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A sampling resistor is a type of resistor commonly used in current measurement and regulation circuits. Its main function is to convert the current signal in the circuit into a voltage signal and transmit it to subsequent circuits for processing. In a circuit, the sampling resistor is usually connected in series in the circuit being measured, in order to introduce a small resistance voltage in the circuit. When the current passes through the sampling resistor, it generates a voltage drop proportional to the current, allowing subsequent circuits to measure and adjust the current in the circuit.


The characteristics of the sampling resistor include:

1. Resistance value: The resistance value of the sampling resistor is an important parameter, and it is usually necessary to choose an appropriate resistance value based on actual application needs. The selection of resistance value should be based on the current and voltage requirements in the circuit.

2. Accuracy: The accuracy of sampling resistors refers to the error range of their resistance values. A high-precision sampling resistor can provide more accurate current measurement results, thereby improving the performance of the entire circuit.

3. Temperature coefficient: The temperature coefficient of the sampling resistor refers to the degree to which the resistance value changes with temperature. Sampling resistors with high temperature coefficients may cause errors in measurement results.

4. Rated power: The rated power of the sampling resistor refers to the maximum power it can withstand. High rated sampling resistors can operate normally under higher current and voltage conditions.

5. Rated voltage: The rated voltage of the sampling resistor refers to the maximum voltage it can withstand. Sampling resistors with high rated voltage can operate normally under higher voltage conditions.


There are many brands of sampling resistors, and the following are some well-known sampling resistor brands:

Ellon: Ellon is a globally renowned manufacturer of electronic components, mainly producing resistors and inductors. Provide high-precision electronic components such as resistors and splitters. Its products are widely used in various electronic devices and instruments.


Vishay: Vishay is a leading global manufacturer of semiconductor and passive components, with products including various types of sampling resistors.


TE (Tyco): TE is a globally renowned electronic component manufacturer, whose products include various types of sampling resistors.


Walter: walter is an electronic component manufacturer of Taiwan, China brand. its products include various types of sampling resistors and fuses.


LIZ: LIZ is a professional resistor manufacturer in Taiwan, China, China. Proficient in thick film full series resistance products and alloy sampling resistors.


Yageo (National Giant): Yageo is an electronic component manufacturer in Taiwan, China, China. Its products include various types of sampling resistors and other electronic components.


Ever ohms (Tianer): It is a professional resistance manufacturer brand in Taiwan, China, China. The products include: sampling resistors, alloy resistors, precision thin film resistors, and various special product resistors.

Viking (Guangjie): It is a professional manufacturer of electronic components such as resistors and inductors in Taiwan, China, China.


Ralec (Wang Quan): professional resistor manufacturer in Taiwan, China, China. The main resistance categories include: alloy resistance, sampling resistance, and other resistance products.


TA-I (Dayi): a professional resistor manufacturer in Taiwan, China, China, which is mainly specialized in the alloy resistor products of the laptop protection plate.


The above are only some well-known sampling resistor brands, and there are many other brands of sampling resistors available for selection in the market. When selecting sampling resistors, appropriate brands and models should be selected based on actual application needs and budget.

Address for selecting alloy resistance:


Metal Current Sensing Chip Resistor

Diverter selection address:


Low-Resistance Shunt Resitor



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